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/ A W A R E N E S S M A G A Z I N E
M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 1
M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 1
A W A R E N E S S M A G A Z I N E /
/ A W A R E N E S S M A G A Z I N E
M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 1
The Qero are an indigenous
group of people who live in the
Andes Mountains. I have had the
privilege of working with and
learning from these amazing
people as well as re-
ceiving ancient medi-
cine rites from them
on sacred sites.
A beautiful con-
cept of the Qero,
which I brought back
from my many jour-
neys to Peru, is Ayni.
Ayni is a Quechuan
word meaning reci-
procity, the act of giving and re-
ceiving. It is a word one hears
when Peruvian villagers are
working to help their neighbors
build, or plant crops.
The Qero know the impor-
tance of being in right relation-
ship with each other, and the
planet. It is a concept that I bring
into my daily life. The Qero hon-
or the mountains, oceans, ani-
mal kingdom and plant world,
the seen and unseen. Offering
their prayers to the Universe is
a daily ritual.
Another concept I have con-
nected with is to follow the
cycles of the moon. I honor
the full moon and new moon
with fire ceremony and Despa-
chos. A Despacho is a Peruvian
prayer bundle used for a variety
of reasons. The one I use dur-
ing a new moon, or anytime I
want to give thanks, is called an
Ayni Despacho. This particular
Despacho is filled with grains,
flowers, and candy for the Gods
to feast upon. They are meant
to honor the earth and show
our deep gratitude at a cellular
level. Despachos and fire cer-
emonies help create
Ayni in the commu-
nity, and in our souls.
During a full moon
fire ceremony we're
a b l e t o t r a n s f o r m
what no longer serves
us by giving it to the
fire. We release our
challenges as they
arise and are able to
shift our perceptions quickly.
We learn how to take things to
a mythic level and see our lives
as stories, stories to which we
no longer need to be attached.
As I learned and taught these
concepts, my clients and I grew
together and our lives began
to change.
It is important for each and
every one of us to find our own
way of honoring one another.
We are all interconnected and
on the planet at this time to
remember our divine nature,
our true selves. When we honor
each other and ourselves we will
find it easier to co-create a mag-
nificent world, one where Ayni
becomes a way of life.
A fine example of Ayni re-
cently happened when a hum-
mingbird was hanging out in
the back-yard of the Orange
County Healing Center. He had
been asking me to fill his hum-
mingbird feeder and when I got
Co-create & Live in Ayni
by Isabella Stoloff, Shaman-Teacher-Spiritual Guide
too busy he flew in front of my
clients to remind me. Finally, I
made the sugar-water mixture
and it was not quite right. He let
me know by hovering near the
window facing the back yard.
I finally made the mixture
perfectly and watched as he
drank. Then I walked around to
another room and sat down.
As I did, I looked to my left and
there he was hovering outside,
thanking me. I could actually
hear him. This hummingbird
had created a relationship with
me, and I with him. He was ask-
ing me to remember the sweet-
ness of life, to pay attention.
My hummingbird is here to
remind me of the work I am do-
ing and the love that is grow-
ing. The love that reminds me I
am a co-creator in the universe.
The love I see in myself, I can
also see in the hummingbird.
I see it in every living thing.
Connect to your inner wis-
dom by finding a ceremony to
partake in, or create one of your
own. Light a candle and set
out some flowers. Honor your-
self for all you do. Now is the
time for deep remembering. It
is time to tune into who we
really are. By seeing our divine
essence in another's eyes and
learning how to give and re-
ceive, we will create lasting
relationships filled with light
and love.
Tuning into and living in the
molecule of the moment is what
we all strive for. Ceremony is one
way of doing this. I have tuned
into the moment and found my-
self in the now. I feel everyone
can do this. Right here, right
now, remember who you are.
Tune into your divine self and
love like you have never loved
before. The world is waiting.
Isabella guides people on spirit-
ual journeys to Peru and assists them
on illuminating their path. Call (714)
603-8624. Also visit:
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