Reconnective Healing®
with  Dr. Eric Pearl
By Robert Ross



“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world . . . and as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”
            —1994 Inaugural Speech, Nelson Mandela, written by Marianne Williamson

And so I embarked upon an adventure, a three-day workshop with Dr. Eric Pearl. The purpose of the workshop was to become a Reconnective healer. My goal: to play bigger in life — to let my light shine — and to claim that part of myself that has the capacity to heal. The workshop would not only accomplish this goal, but also, it would have me questioning the whole concept of healing, both alternative and conventional.

The workshop I attended was held in San Diego, California. It was a three-day course (Fri./Sat. & Sun.) designed to teach the participants the skills, awareness and beliefs associated with this form of healing.

Reconnective healing is difficult to define and almost impossible to explain to a lay person. The literature describes “accessing new frequencies.” The promotional brochure states “Your hands will be attuned to accept this all-inclusive healing spectrum.” To add to the confusion, the Reconnective website ( states Reconnective healing “reconnects us to the fullness of the universe as it reconnects us to the fullness of our beings and of who we are.” These words are attempting to communicate experiences, experiences that are difficult to articulate. But, at the end of the three-day workshop, these words, these phrases, would take on a whole new meaning.

The workshop began with a Friday evening session, which was open to the public. The session was a presentation and healing demonstration by Dr. Pearl, the founder of Reconnective healing.

Dr. Pearl spoke to an audience of about two hundred people. Those who were registered for the weekend healing workshop were invited to be in attendance also. It was a high energy evening, and Pearl was, and is, an incredibly gifted speaker, showman, comedian, and entertainer.

Dr. Pearl’s book, The Reconnection, Heal Others, Heal Yourself, was published in 2001. The book (and website) describes Dr. Pearl as a highly successful chiropractor who went through a fascinating transformation involving a gypsy card reader on Venice beach.

The bottom line was, in 1993 some of Dr. Pearl’s patients “reported that they felt his hands on them — even though he hadn’t physically touched them.” When this ability first surfaced in Dr. Pearl, his palms blistered and bled as he worked with patients.

“Patients soon began seeing angels and reporting miraculous healings from cancers, AIDS-related diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, cerebral palsy, and other serious afflictions. All this occurred when Dr. Pearl simply held his hands near them.”

Dr. Pearl now runs workshops worldwide to teach others these healing techniques.

Saturday’s session ran from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and involved both lecture and hands-on experience. The hall we worked in (at the Westin hotel) was able to accommodate seating for a couple of hundred participants, a small stage, and room for about forty massage tables, with three or four participants to a table.

During one of the introductory exercises, Pearl had the participants stand and had each hold out one hand. Pearl’s helpers went around the room placing their hands about six or eight inches from the participant’s palm. This gave us an opportunity to become aware of, and access these new healing frequencies. For some, there was a pronounced feeling in the palm of their hand, for others it was very subtle, and still for others, there was no feeling at all.

Throughout the day we would learn how to hold our hands during a healing session (to access the healing frequencies), how to approach and begin the healing session, and what indicators — referred to as “registersTM” to look for from our clients. Registers are involuntary movements of the face, head, body, etc. signaling that the client was in an altered state, accessing the healing frequencies. In most cases, eyelids would flutter as an indication of a register.

Sunday was a hands-on healing day. By mid-Sunday afternoon, we had become pros. We were generating “registers” in a matter of seconds, or minutes after beginning a healing session.

We also did various healing experiments. I was part of a group that randomly approached participants who were lying on the tables with their eyes closed. My assignment (I was one of ten or so) was to perform a healing session using my eyes only (my hands were behind my back).

In only a matter of seconds my client’s eyelids were fluttering away like a hummingbird’s wings. Later Dr. Pearl stated the healing actually comes through the eyes. During an interview I had with Dr. Pearl, I would ask about this “eye” healing concept, along with many other questions.

Interviewer: All of those who attended the Level I/II Recon-nective training were, essentially, believers in Reconnective healing. Would a non-believer achieve the same results as others achieved in the workshop?

Dr. Pearl: “Most people are in some way affected by the training, but manifest it very differently. For example, a woman came up to me during the San Diego seminar, and said, remember me? ‘I’m twelve o’clock’ as she held her hands above her head. She had come to a seminar earlier in the week. She had been a skeptic — her friend had dragged her along. At the time, she had very limited arm movement and was chosen during a demonstration healing. Now, she was referring to herself as ‘twelve o’clock,’ able to lift her arms directly above her head.  In general, about 7 to 8 percent of the people who attend the seminars are confirmed skeptics.”

Interviewer: Have you done Reconnective Healing on someone, and then found that he was not affected at all? To what do you attribute this lack of healing?

Dr. Pearl: “Initially, when I first started, I would say about 70 percent of my patients received a healing. But at the time, I didn’t have an appropriate understanding of it. The reality is, everyone does have a healing. Usually it’s the one they were desirous of, but sometimes it’s one they don’t expect. The healing may take place on an other than conscious level. Reconnective healing brings you to a space that allows you to have a healing that is most appropriate to you on your life path.”

Interviewer: Have any of your healings with patients, from cancer, degenerative diseases, etc. been documented by the mainstream medical community?

Dr. Pearl: “Just recently I was on a T.V. show called Extra. There was a 4-1/2-year-old boy named Brian. When I entered the area, Brian was already on the table. Brian had Cerebral Palsy which I didn’t know at the time. Brian couldn’t stand (his heals wouldn’t reach the ground) and his arms were in a characteristic spasm of Cerebral Palsy. He spoke in a monosyllabic, mostly unintelligible manner. After I did the healing session, his mother said ‘O.K. Brian, walk to your father.’ Brian started walking, and his mother blurted out, ‘No Brian, show Dr. Pearl how you walk’ — before she realized that he had been healed. Brian walked in a normal manner to his father. Subsequently, he had two additional healing sessions — and as a result, was able to walk, run and speak in an intelligible manner.

Where mainstream medicine comes in . . . Brian’s father was a prominent medical doctor, and his mother was a nurse practitioner. They both were so excited about Brian’s healing, they took the Reconnective seminars along with the speech pathologist and the physical therapist who had worked with Brian since birth.”

Interviewer: I understand you will be working on a second book. Briefly, what new information will you be covering that wasn’t covered in the first book?

Dr. Pearl:The second book will have much deeper insights and understanding of what we’re doing. These insights will allow us to bring this work forward in a fuller manner.”

Interviewer: If the healing comes through the eyes, why such an emphasis on using the hands?

Dr. Pearl: “You remember there was an emphasis on keeping the eyes open during the seminar. Regarding using the hands, if you were just to stare, you would find after a while that you would start to daydream. When you use your hands, you get responses, the registers kick up with different hand movements — eye flutters, hand twitches, etc. By using the hands, you’re able to play with the energy. When you move your hands in a certain way, you get a certain response. This makes it more interesting, more fun. It allows us to be more childlike.

In a seminar I attended with Deepak Chopra, I asked if he had any advice or words of wisdom (referring to Reconnective healing)? He said ‘remain childlike.’
Play keeps us functioning in the absolute present moment. It’s a practical way of remaining in the here and now.”

Interviewer: Can a massage therapist be giving a massage and use his or her eyes as a Reconnective healing tool?

Dr. Pearl: “Once we are carrying these Reconnective frequencies, there’s no interaction that we have with another person that doesn’t affect them one way or another, just by who we are. We will affect everyone with whom we interact. Some degree of Reconnective healing will take place in any situation. If you have a loving and intelligent conversation with a six year old, you are imparting these frequencies. Any practitioner will bring these frequencies forward through their work. A Reconnective healing session alone, however, brings it through at a much higher level.”

Interviewer: Is there anything else you would like to let the Awareness readers know about Reconnective healing?

Dr. Pearl: “There are two concepts I would get across to the Awareness reader. First, this is new, this is different, this is real. The second concept is, once you begin to carry these frequencies, you can do this healing as well as I can.”

Interviewer: Thank you for the interview.

The workshop ended with a group photo, and many who were from out of state (and even, out of the country) headed to the airport with a lot to reflect upon during their journey home.
For those drawn to this type of healing, I would highly recommend going to a Friday “open to the public” talk by Dr. Pearl. Awareness readers can attend the November 11, 2005 seminar free, (there is normally a $39.00 charge). It is highly suggested you call 1 (888) 374-2732 and reserve a seat, as seating is limited. Be sure to mention that you are an Awareness reader.

The Friday seminar I attended was fascinating and well worth the effort. Who knows, you just might end up with a title after your name of “Reconnective Healer.”

Robert Ross can be reached at: 

Copyright 2005 by Robert Ross, all rights reserved

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