The Children of Today
Are We Listening Yet?
By Carolyn Kaufman



We are finally beginning to see more information getting out to the world about the Indigo Children and what I call ‘The Children of Today’. Although this is exciting to see, it is time for the real information to spread!!  As we are talking about needed changes these children are trying to show us, many including the media are only hearing, seeing and sharing the amazing abilities these children are demonstrating. Somehow the message is being ignored!  It is our job to make sure it gets heard!  

My children and I recently were interviewed by a local newspaper about the Indigo Children. The reporter and photographer spent a good two hours with us. I spilled my heart and knowing about these children, who are just giving us a glimpse into what our full potential can really be and the changes needed to bring it about.

I spoke of how I see them as being the evolution of our species, leading us into the future of which we have been dreaming. They are showing us the way to create new relationships with each other and ourselves. The challenges these children show us are gifts that give us an opportunity to see what is no longer working and to create new patterns that will bring about the outcomes we desire.

When we look around, their evolution makes a lot of sense. These children know nothing of our past or how we were raised. They are being raised in a completely different time, a time of technology, of advancement, of quickening, a time of New Age and Self Help. They are born into a time that has evolved beyond the days we knew, yet the education system, business, politics, financial systems, family roles and our relationships are still that of the past.

Instead of listening, many are demanding that it is the children who have problems. The main problem I see the children having is frustration from not fitting into an old box, and being labeled! They see us praying and dreaming of different ways of being and of doing things, yet we somehow still manage to clutch onto our old ways. This becomes very confusing and frustrating for the children of today.   

If we stop and listen to their frustrations and ideas, we may find the keys to our own needed changes. As we start to practice these new or different ways of thinking and acting, we may just find more peace and harmony within our relationships with our selves and each other. These children are sharing with us how to be true to ourselves, and how to follow our own inner rhythms; these are the initial steps in creating more peace and harmony. The more we learn to love and respect ourselves, the more our environment and relationships will confirm it.

I shared that the psychic experiences these children are demonstrating are just part of everyday life. They are no longer out of the norm. I feel it is important for us to understand this, instead of creating hype about these occurrences! It is time to understand the messages that are all around us. It is important to understand that all the labels — ADD, ADHD, Autism, Psychic, Indigo, and many others are simply signs of changing times.

And this is just the beginning!  There is so much being unseen, and unheard!!  If we start opening ourselves and listening from the heart, so much will be revealed!!  I told them I felt that one day we may see ADD and ADHD as a gift. Someday when we start listening we may understand that it is not a physical disease, but a disease for ‘The Children of Today’ who are being forced into a system which needs to desperately catch up with the times!   

If we start listening to what the children are sharing with us, our lives and relationships can truly evolve and bring us to a much more balanced state of being. We can start making choices based on our own natural rhythms and live the lives we truly enjoy. In this space we can create the relationships of which we dream!  

To my amazement, and somewhat non-amazement, I found that the interview was mostly about what some might call ‘out of the norm’ experiences! I felt sad that the message was completely missed. However, I understand that it was a step in the right direction!! So I decided to be grateful for the beginning steps of spreading the information. Even if it brings some skepticism, it evokes an awareness of something different! It plants seeds, it starts the ball rolling!! The Children, the Universe and our Future are calling us to raise our voices, share our knowledge and to plant as many seeds as possible, Now!!  We never know how long it takes before the seeds decide to bloom!  Truthfully for me, it is not how long it takes that is important, but that we plant the seeds!!

Here is to a Powerful year of planting seeds — let’s go create this beautiful garden together!!

Carolyn Kaufman is a Certified Spiritual Counselor, Intuitive Reader, Healer, Founder of The Children of Today,  Free To Be ME Kids Camps, and Rainbow Touch Healing. She is Curriculum Specialist for Quantum You, author of “The Children of Today” and a critically-acclaimed counselor of parents, teachers, teens and children. For information on seminars, workshops & classes for adults, children and teens, call (562) 652-7185, email  or  see 

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