Health Freedom Expo Comes to Long Beach
By Steve Hite

The HealthKeeper’s Alliance will host its annual Health Freedom Expo at the Long Beach Convention Center on February 22-24, 2008. The Health Freedom Expo is the premier natural and alternative health Expo with over 70 of the top national, regional, and local health professionals.

Some of our elite speakers will include: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, author of Vaccines: The Risks, Benefits & Choice, Dr. Kurt Donsbach, Founder of Hospital Santa Monica, Dr. Joel Wallach, author of Dead Doctors Don’t Lie, Dr. Hulda Clark, author of the Cure for All Diseases series, and Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, author of Unlocking Nature’s Pharmacy.

The HealthKeepers Alliance was established as a means to provide educational and legislative information on issues of alternative and natural health. Their goal is to educate, encourage, inspire, and protect the rights of those individuals  who choose to pursue healthy lifestyles through informed choices.

The Health Freedom Expo was created as a means of educating through public awareness those rights that are being taken away through legislative bodies and special interest groups.

“The thing setting the Health Freedom Expo apart from others,” states Kevin Trudeau, New York Times best-selling author of Natural Cures They Don’t Want You To Know About” is that the information here is not ‘just to sell product to consumers.’ It is people who are compassionate about sharing information. It is about how our health freedoms are being taken away and it is about exposing the truth. The Health Freedom Expo is about educating and empowering, and that is what makes them different.”

The mission of the Health Freedom Expo is to ensure that American citizens have a variety of healthcare options —  expand knowledge through quality information, to create awareness of what choices are available, to protect the right to select the healthcare modality of the public’s choosing, not ones forced upon them by law, and to support healthy lifestyles, enhance good nutrition, and encourage Americans to make daily, sensible life choices which combat ill health rather than create it.

To do this, they go to where the laws are made — local, state, and national government. Their advocacy organization backs legislation that enhances the right of the individual. They fight proposed legislation or current government monopolies which favor the interests of the few over the freedom of the many. Their mission is simple and focused: to ensure the freedom to make informed healthcare choices.

This particular Health Freedom Expo is focusing on specific issues such as vaccines and their possible side effects, autism, Parkinson’s, parasites, and cancer to name a few. These special natural and alternative health lectures are held throughout the day on all three days, starting at 10:00 am. On Friday and Saturday the last lecture starts at 5:00 pm and on Sunday at 4:00 pm. Each presentation lasts for 45 minutes. Lunch breaks from 12:00 to 2:00 pm with lectures resuming at 2:00 pm. On Saturday evening at 7:30 pm, there will be a special 2-hour program that has yet to be determined.

Attendees are encouraged to bring materials to take notes during each lecture. All lectures will be recorded and available for purchase after each session. DVD’s will be available on site and CD’s of each lecture will be available for purchase online.

All lectures during the day are free with the paid admission of $15.00 per day or $25.00 for the entire 3-day event. If you will pre-register at by Friday,
February 1, 2008, you can receive the entire weekend ticket at $10.00. This excludes the special Saturday evening program.

Exhibitors display a wealth of information and products for consumers, practitioners, and business owners. Over 150 different natural and alternative health options will be on display to help assist in the education of being healthy and living a better life. Many products are being introduced to the public for the first time.

There are natural and organic foods, snacks, and beverages, volumes of books and literature available for purchase, the latest in healthy technologies featuring state-of-the-art electronics, and of course, the latest in massage techniques, styles, and other physical modalities.

The Expo floor will be open daily 11:00 am until 7:00 pm Friday and Saturday. On Sunday the doors will close at 6:00 pm. There will be concessions open at the rear of the Expo floor for lunch and snacks.

You can join the HealthKeepers Alliance which would allow you to provide support to a rapidly growing grass-roots movement that works year ‘round to protect consumer’s rights and defend practitioners who use natural and nutritional cures. They lobby against laws which remove the individual’s freedom to make informed healthcare choices.

Annual membership is $36.00 which keeps the member up-to-date on the latest in natural and alternative healthcare issues through their quarterly magazine. The membership fee also supports lobbying efforts in preserving our freedoms.

For more information on the HealthKeepers Alliance Membership log on to 

The 4th annual Long Beach HealthKeepers Alliance Health Freedom Expo will be hosted at the Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach, CA on February 22-24, 2008. To pre-register or for more information log onto or call (888) 658-3976. Press contact: Dawna Shuman.

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