background image
/ A W A R E N E S S M A G A Z I N E
J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 0
J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 0
A W A R E N E S S M A G A Z I N E /
/ A W A R E N E S S M A G A Z I N E
J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 0
Star 5 in the southwest will
bring some health issues. Preg-
nant and senior women are the
most likely affected. There is a
possible increase in uterine ail-
ments, especially among old-
er childbearing women. Star 5
can bring financial problems,
drought, or earthquake. Star 5
energies bring changes stem-
ming from economic crisis and
pandemic health issues.
Sitting and facing Stars 1 and
6 indicate that the government
leaders need to support new
ideas. The real estate market and
alternative wellness businesses
Jenny Liu holds a Bachelors' De-
gree in Environmental Design from
UC Berkeley and a Masters Degree
in Architecture from UCLA. She is
an expert in the 8,000-year-old Chi-
nese philosophy of Feng Shui who
shares her knowledge through semi-
nars, workshops, periodicals and
the Internet. Awarded for her Mas-
ter's Thesis on Feng Shui, Ms. Liu is
a fourth-generation practitioner with
her own consulting firm. For info,
visit: or call (626)
Tips on Keeping Mind & Body Young
By Jesse Anson Dawn
Jesse Anson Dawn (accurately
photographed at age 65), author
of the national award-winning
book Never "Old," plus The
Rejuvenator's Bible, speaks out
about a most stirring subject:
how to personally control the
unwanted effects of "aging."
Presently answering the
question: "How do spiritual
connections affect both the ag-
ing process and the environ-
Dear Readers,
Recently I had a very traumat-
ic (turned very spiritual), "lucky
to be alive" experience that will
help me effectively answer this
important question. The mirac-
ulous occurrence I'm about to
document was one that clearly
reminded me that turning trau-
ma, worry and stress into what
I call Opti-mystic Spirituality, is
one of the true secrets of per-
petual youth. But let me tell you
precisely what happened:
As mentioned before, I've
been living (for three years now)
on the beautiful north coast of
the Philippines, pristine yes, but
it's also an area which I've found
to be somewhat of a "typhoon
alley." I say this because major
hurricanes batter this area usu-
ally EVERY MONTH from Sep-
tember through December. And
this past October that they re-
ally came on strong, when there
were no less than THREE "Su-
per" (150+mph) typhoons roar-
ing through here, all within that
same fateful month.
First came the Super Typhoon
"Parma," twisting through the
northern Philippines from Oct 1
to 7, a storm so powerful that
it killed some 75 people just 60
miles east of where I live (rav-
aging the city of Tuguegarao).
BUT, as I've witnessed many
times now with previous ty-
phoons, by the time these dan-
gerous hurricanes reach lovely
Pasaleng Bay (where I reside in
my Zion House), the typhoon
SUDDENLY turns away (or loses
most of its wind speed), veloc-
ity I obsessively monitor via my
Indeed, by way of my trusty
laptop, I've become somewhat
of a typhoon-tracking scientist,
because that's the way I am,
never studying anything "half-
way," especially when it involves
a life-versus-death process (life-
vers u s -d eath /s elf-ren ewal-
versus-deterioration being the
central theme of my books and
However, instead of only the
"scientific" side of the living-
versus-dying field of discovery,
my studies lean more toward
the spiritual side of this ever-
mysterious duality.
All of which brings me to
describe the MOST AMAZING
(spiritual-energy?) event I have
ever experienced, and an event
I will now share with you.
After three years of track-
ing typhoons here, October's
Typhoon "Lupit" (known lo-
cally as Typhoon "Ramil") is
the topper, doing a maneuver
so strangely phenomenal, that
it has never before occurred in
what the internet reveals as 50
years of worldwide documented
hurricane-tracking history.
Indeed, as I tracked Lupit's
increasing intensity on my com-
puter, I became duly frightened
when it reached wind-speeds of
over 150 miles per hour, official-
ly making it a Super Typhoon.
But worse yet, it was tracked (by
the four international weather
agencies that produce the web-
site that I monitor) as coming
DIRECTLY to this area within 24
hours, moving straight toward
ILOCOS NORTE (the name of
the especially beautiful northern
coast province where I live).
Yes, it was TIME to WAKE-
UP and STEP-UP my prayers
for MERCY from what was offi-
cially tracked as a DIRECT HIT
catastrophic category 4 Super
Typhoon. And while trying to
stay calmly cautious while I
turned on TV news, it brought
tears to my eyes to see a church
congregation of over 1000 peo-
ple praying for MERCY from the
oncoming terror of Typhoon Lu-
pit-Ramil (televised at a church
in the ILOCOS NORTE city of
Laoag, the city where I'm wait-
ing at a hospital for the then-
due birth of my son).
And THEN IT happened...
early in the morning of Octo-
ber 24, just as Super Lupit was
about to make landfall in pre-
cious Ilocos Norte, the typ-
hoon did a complete and sci-
entifically INEXPLICABLE U-
TURN, just what that TV con-
gregation and I were praying
for! And it happened the same
morning my son was born!
Thus, thank heavens, ILO-
from damage, and this time it
Indeed, so amazing was the
sudden turn-around, I printed
several copies of its historical
U-TURNED-track, and taped a
copy of it onto my kitchen wall,
to show graphic evidence of
this miracle to my friends and
neighbors, and later to my new-
born son, as a positive omen of
his arrival.
But still... the question re-
mains: HOW could this hap-
pen? This inexplicable turn-
around that has weather-experts
surely scratching their heads
trying to come up with a "sci-
entific" explanation. But there
is none, for I have come to re-
alize, these super-sized storms
(that keep getting stronger),
are caused not only by global
warming, but also because the
ated NATURE has a SUPER IN-
TELLIGENCE as well, which
involves the protection of its
All of which brings me back
to my premise that there CO-
TIONS inside us ALL. IF we
can successfully tune into the
"miraculous" U-TURNS of inner
and outer salvation and self-re-
newal can be CONTINUOUSLY
Jesse is presently on a sabbatical
in the Philippines, thereby not readily
available for his Hawaii Island semi-
nars. He can be communicated with
in Asia (to answer any questions about
true rejuvenation) by emailing jesseis